Apply to Linn-Benton Community College

Start Your Journey to Success: Join Our Supportive Community at Linn-Benton Community College Today!

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Find Your Path .

At Linn-Benton Community College (LBCC), we proudly welcome students from all walks of life, because we believe that diversity enriches our educational community. What unites our students is their shared pursuit of new horizons – a fresh sense of self, an exciting career path, or a fulfilling purpose.

At LBCC, we are your unwavering allies on this journey. We provide not only the guidance and resources you need but also the skills and training required to succeed in your chosen path. LBCC is where your future takes root and blossoms, and we see nothing but brilliance ahead.

Join us at LBCC, where every opportunity becomes a stepping stone towards your bright and promising future.