MSP Onboarding Process Checklist [Include Free Template]

Are you in the process of onboarding a new managed service provider (MSP) for your business? It can be a complex and time-consuming task, with many important considerations to keep in mind. To ensure a smooth and successful onboarding process, it’s crucial to have a comprehensive checklist in place.

Managed service providers play a vital role in supporting and managing the technology infrastructure of businesses. From network security to data backup and recovery, MSPs provide essential services that help companies operate efficiently and securely. However, the onboarding process can be challenging, as it involves aligning the goals and expectations of both parties and ensuring a seamless transition.

Having a well-defined checklist is essential to make the onboarding process as seamless as possible. This checklist acts as a roadmap, guiding you through each step of the onboarding journey and ensuring that no crucial elements are overlooked. This article will explore the key items that should be included in an MSP onboarding checklist, helping you streamline the process and set the foundation for a successful partnership.

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What is the MSP Onboarding Process?

The MSP onboarding process is an important part of any successful relationship between a managed service provider and their client. It begins with a needs assessment to ensure the team deeply understands the client’s business objectives, challenges, and IT requirements. This often includes gathering information on the client’s existing infrastructure, software, and current issues or points of pain. This is essential to creating an individualized proposal that accurately reflects the services necessary to meet the client’s objectives.

Once the initial assessment is completed, it’s time to develop a comprehensive agreement outlining the proposed services, associated costs, and service level agreements (SLAs). This document will provide specific information on what each party is responsible for and how performance goals can be attained. After both parties sign the document, they can implement the solutions and enjoy a successful working relationship.

Why It’s Vital to Have a Smooth Onboarding Process for Managed Service Providers

Having a streamlined MSP onboarding process is critical for maintaining client satisfaction and relationships. Efficiency, consistency, and customer satisfaction are key aspects of any effective onboarding procedure. By streamlining the onboarding process, an MSP can ensure that downtime and disruption to a client’s operations are minimized. A consistent approach to the onboarding procedures also helps ensure that all clients receive the same service level regardless of their individual needs or preferences.

Furthermore, having a smooth onboarding process often leads to higher customer satisfaction. Clients are more likely to be impressed with an MSP if their transition into their services is easy and problem-free. Providing an enjoyable initial experience also sets the tone for future business relations with your company; as a result, clients should be more likely to stay on board in the long run if they have a positive first impression. All in all, developing an efficient and consistent MSP onboarding process is essential for increasing client retention and maximizing customer satisfaction overall.

Checklist for MSP Client Onboarding Process

As Managed Service Providers (MSPs) embark on the crucial task of onboarding new clients, a systematic approach becomes paramount. Following a well-structured checklist ensures a smooth transition and sets the foundation for a successful ongoing relationship. Here’s a comprehensive checklist for MSP onboarding:

Collect client information

The first step in providing clients with the IT solutions they need is gathering the necessary information to ensure a successful outcome. With this step, it is important to understand what goals and objectives the business wishes to achieve regarding its IT infrastructure. This means understanding their current technological setup, including software applications that are currently in use and any security requirements that must be implemented. Furthermore, if any user accounts are necessary for system access, you should obtain details regarding those as well.

Collecting all of this pertinent information will provide you with an adequate snapshot of your client’s technology needs for their business operations. Furthermore, having a clear understanding of what the customer desires when it comes to their IT solutions will allow you to create an optimal system and infrastructure for them accordingly. With all these considerations made at the outset, building an effective IT system can more easily progress without any major hitches or roadblocks.

Establish Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

The Service Level Agreement is an important document for both the service provider and the customer. It helps protect all parties involved by outlining expectations, providing a clear structure for communication, and securing any necessary resources for success. Without an SLA in place, customers may be uncertain of the quality of service they are receiving, and providers can be at risk of not being paid or having work unrecognized.

An effective SLA outlines specific details such as services provided, expected performance levels, timeframe for service delivery, customer responsibility allocation, reporting requirements, dispute resolution procedures, and termination conditions. In addition to these specifics, the agreement should state any guarantees made by the provider and any accepted metrics that demonstrate customers’ satisfaction with the provided services. Providers should negotiate reasonable terms that match the level of service offered and allow for future developments. Ultimately, both parties must be satisfied with the agreement to ensure a successful partnership.

Assign Individuals/Team Members to the Account

The assignment of team members to an account is an integral step in the onboarding process, as it ensures that the work will be completed efficiently and effectively. Deciding who should take on certain roles while onboarding a client requires thorough consideration.

First and foremost, a project manager should be assigned to ensure the entire onboarding process runs smoothly. The project manager is responsible for leading and managing the timeline of the project, communicating regularly with any stakeholders or clients, and ensuring that all processes are being performed as intended. Additionally, they must monitor progress and make necessary adjustments to stay on track to meet deadlines if needed.

It is also important to assign a technical lead for the project who can handle any troubleshooting or technical issues during the process. This person must have sufficient technical knowledge to communicate with clients and other IT professionals about system installations and configurations, test new services and hardware, and provide support throughout onboarding. By carefully choosing team members with appropriate skill sets for each role, you can increase your chances of successful account onboarding.

Distribute a Welcome Kit to the Client

Welcome kits are an important part of establishing a successful relationship between a company and its clients. By sending a welcome kit, the client will feel valued as they appreciate that you have taken the time to put together an informative package just for them. It also helps to make a positive first impression, facilitating a trusting and professional atmosphere between both parties.

Furthermore, including useful materials in your welcome kit can aid in ensuring that the client is familiar with your services, processes, and support resources. This knowledge can prevent any confusion or misunderstandings during future stages of the working relationship. In addition, you can personalize this welcome kit by gathering feedback from your new clients and incorporating it into all future packages you send out to show your commitment to customer satisfaction.

Organize a Kickoff Meeting with the Client

A successful onboarding process begins with a client kickoff meeting. This is an important meeting that serves as the starting point for the project, making it paramount to ensure that all involved parties have a clear understanding of goals, timelines, and other requirements. During the kickoff, it is important to introduce all participants, establish the agenda for the meeting, and provide an overview of the project scope, including objectives and timelines.

MSPs should also outline their own services and key deliverables to ensure everyone is on the same page. Depending on the type of services offered, it’s also wise to discuss any terms or conditions before getting started to save yourself from headaches further down the line. Before wrapping up, taking some time for questions and answers is always advised to better understand how everyone will work together going forward.

Start Provisioning Activities

Provisioning is a critical step in the MSP new client onboarding process. With this process, organizations can begin to set up and configure new services and systems that meet their specific needs. It includes tasks such as configuration of cloud computing resources, installation of relevant software updates and drivers, creation of necessary user accounts and access privileges, and testing all systems for performance before launch. Additionally, provisioning helps ensure that the organization has all the necessary commercial or legal agreements in place to operate within its chosen cloud environment or data center.

MSPs should partner with clients during provisioning to ensure satisfaction with all services provided. This requires having experts who understand the complexities of configuring servers and other systems appropriately, as well as being accessible to answer questions regarding any issues encountered. Clients also need to understand clearly how their requested features function within their own environment so they can take full advantage of them after installation. Ultimately, successful provisioning means correctly adapting system configurations at each site and verifying the quality of service delivery according to pre-defined standards and specifications while ensuring full transparency with customers throughout the entire process.

Setup the Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM)

RMM, or remote monitoring and management, is software that can help businesses monitor and manage their client’s IT infrastructure from afar. This protocol offers proactive monitoring and maintenance services for servers, workstations, network devices, and other IT systems. One major benefit of investing in an RMM system is the ability to receive automated alerts when an issue arises. It will also allow you to remotely access client devices without worrying about limitations due to firewalls or distance between them. On top of all this, RMM software allows for patch management, meaning that any security patches or updates applied to the client’s device will be done automatically – helping ensure their protection against system vulnerabilities.

Having a reliable RMM system in place will help increase efficiencies for organizations by enabling them to efficiently monitor multiple clients at once while gaining insight into any potential problems with their IT infrastructure ahead of time – allowing them to take the necessary action quickly and minimize any disruption caused by technical issues. Investing in reliable RMM software is essential for any business that wants to maintain effective control over their assets without having people manually check up on everything at all times.

Go Live & Keep Tracking

On going live, many key activities begin to take place. Service delivery kicks off, and your team begins offering the agreed-upon managed services as outlined in the service level agreement. The technical staff should ensure that all systems and services are sufficiently monitored and maintained to meet operational goals. Communication is key here; regular communication channels should be established so that all parties are aware of progress and any potential issues that might arise along the way. Also, it’s important to maintain an ongoing relationship with the customer to ensure satisfaction with the service provided.

All of these steps help your team embark on a successful managed services deployment for your client. Going live marks a critical moment in this process, signaling the end of onboarding and indicating that there is much more work to come to fully support and maintain operations over time. Your team should remain vigilant about tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) while providing ongoing support and maintenance as needed for the best results.

Benefits of a Well-organized MSP Onboarding Process

Organizing the MSP onboarding process is a great way to ensure you and your client are off to a great start with a successful working relationship. A well-planned onboarding process sets the tone for this working relationship and helps define the expectations from each party. Utilizing an MSP Onboarding Checklist Template provides clear guidance on the services provided by the MSP, helps map out an implementation timeline, and establishes all associated costs upfront. Following such a structure can build trust between both parties, reduce any potential errors that could occur further down the road, and avoid any costly surprises.

Organizing the MSP onboarding process allows for an organized framework to determine compatibility between both parties better so they are set up for success in their working relationship. The well-organized process also allows for clear expectations from both sides on what is required and facilitates open communication, leading to increased trust over time. Lastly, having a defined onboarding process in place reduces errors that may come up late in implementation or even after launch, which can help provide long-term stability and satisfaction with service delivery without any unexpected costs popping up down the road.

What are the Follow-up Measures in Your Plan After the MSP Onboarding Phase?

Once your MSP onboarding process is complete, it’s important to take actionable steps to ensure that you consistently provide the highest quality services to your clients. Regular communication with them is essential to maintaining a professional relationship and ensuring they can address any issues or problems that arise quickly. To this end, include status updates, reporting, and regular meetings in your communication plan. In addition, continuously monitor and manage their IT infrastructure and services with an emphasis on identifying and resolving issues as soon as possible so that any downtime is kept to a minimum and productivity remains high.

Furthermore, there should also be a focus on maximizing performance, security, and reliability through optimized services. Consider regularly auditing systems for potential vulnerabilities or areas of improvement, then assign tasks accordingly. Using automation and other technologies can also help streamline processes wherever possible so that the client enjoys an even better service experience while reducing overhead costs simultaneously. Automated backup procedures should also be implemented to protect against data loss or service delivery disruption. All of these measures are key components of ongoing management of your MSP service offerings.

How do you go About Evaluating The Success of Your MSP Onboarding Process?

Ensuring the success of your MSP onboarding process is essential for long-term relationships with clients. Several key metrics should be considered to measure whether the customer journey is successful. Engagement is one important indicator, showing how active clients are in speaking to you and engaging with the different elements of the onboarding process. If a client does not seem engaged or ready to embrace their new role within your MSP, it could indicate a lack of understanding or value in working with you. Retention is another key metric, demonstrating how long a client stays once they start on a project. If retention and renewal rates are low, it’s often an indication that there are some gaps in your engagement strategy or that added value needs to be provided more consistently.

Finally, net promoter score (NPS) surveys provide useful customer feedback, which helps you better understand what may have gone wrong (or right) during the onboarding process. Collecting regular customer feedback throughout the customer journey will provide vital information on whether processes need improvements or where existing practices are doing well.

Why Choose ExterNetworks

ExterNetworks provides a comprehensive MSP onboarding solution for businesses of any size. Our team of experts can help you streamline the process and properly configure your systems for maximum efficiency and reliability. We understand that every business has different needs and requirements, so our tailored approach helps ensure that your processes are tailored to fit those needs.

What sets us apart from other providers is our commitment to delivering a quality service that meets the highest standards in terms of performance, security, and customer satisfaction. We also offer a full suite of managed services, including server management, cloud hosting, backup and recovery, data security, patching, monitoring, and alerting, so you can rest assured that your clients will receive top-notch support.

Contact us today to learn more about our MSP onboarding solution and how it can help your business provide the best services to your customers.


With an effective onboarding process in place, MSPs can ensure that their clients feel taken care of and fully supported. This initial step will set the stage for an ongoing relationship of quality service delivery. By following the steps laid out by this onboarding checklist, MSPs can build a strong foundation to grow their business and increase client satisfaction.

Every managed services provider’s success depends on keeping customers happy and well-served. Thus, MSPS must dedicate enough time and resources to onboard each customer successfully. With the right strategy in mind, MSPs can streamline their workflow and deliver better IT services consistently.

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