Connect to gas or electricity

How to get connected to the mains or alter a connection.

You need to get connected to the mains if you:

Network operators own and run the gas pipes and power cables that bring energy to homes and businesses. In some cases, independent providers can do this. To get gas or electricity installed, contact your local network operator.

A registered gas engineer or electrician can do some parts of the connection work (called ‘contestable work’). This can help bring down costs, so it’s worth asking for quotations to break down connection work into contestable and non-contestable costs. Network operators may need to agree or inspect this work.

You will need to choose an energy supplier to get a meter installed. Arrange this at the same time as sorting your connection with the network operator to avoid delays. Your energy supplier will also bill you for your usage.

Understand your connection costs

The network company will quote for the cost of the work to connect your home or business.

You will probably need to pay for the connection in advance.

Your quotation will depend on:

Costs are calculated using a ‘connection charging methodology’. You will find this on your network operator’s website.

Ofgem approves the methodology. We do not approve any individual charges.

What your network operator must do

Your network operator has certain responsibilities. It must:

Alter a gas or electricity connection

If you want to alter a connection to the mains, you should first contact your network operator.

If you want to move your energy meter, you should contact your energy supplier.

It is illegal to move your own energy meter.

Get further help

You may have difficulties with a network operator or can’t resolve an issue.

In England and Wales, Citizens Advice can offer further advice if you need it. For help:

In Scotland, Advice Direct Scotland can help:

Ofgem can also resolve disputes with network operators in some situations. See our guide on disputes over connections to energy networks.