Admission requirements for egyptian higher education

In addition, AUC considers the personal qualities of applicants�how well they have taken advantage of available resources, whether they have faced and withstood unusual adversity, and the extent to which they show promise as a contributing member of the AUC community. The University also considers applicants' personal achievements outside the classroom as demonstrated by sustained participation, commitment, and leadership in school and community activities.

The University and the Egyptian Ministry of Education require that all students entering AUC complete a minimum of eleven years of primary and secondary education prior to enrollment in University courses. Egyptian applicants must provide proof, in the form of a first-year primary certificate or Idadia Certificate that they have completed at least eleven years of education, including three years of study following the Idadia or the equivalent. Non-Egyptian applicants must provide comparable proof of a minimum of eleven years of combined primary and secondary education.

Applicants may apply for admission up to one year in advance of their anticipated date of first enrollment. The University reviews completed admission applications on a rolling basis. AUC cannot determine the admissibility of candidates with incomplete applications.

All undergraduate degree-seeking admission applicants must submit official secondary school academic transcripts, mark sheets, and/or certificates. Applicants who have attempted post-secondary studies must also submit official academic transcripts, mark sheets, and/or certificates from each post-secondary school attended regardless of whether they have earned credit or seek transfer credit. All academic records not in English or Arabic must be accompanied by certified English translations. All academic records submitted by applicants become the property of the University and replaceable documents may not be returned.

All undergraduate degree applicants must demonstrate proficiency in English by submitting recent AUC English Language Placement Entrance Test (ELPET), TOEFL and/or SAT results, or completed college-level English coursework. Non-Egyptian applicants and/or their sponsors must provide official evidence indicating that a minimum of $16,000 is available to cover the tuition, fees, travel, and living expenses for the first year of study at the University.

The Admission Decision

The most important criterion for admission to AUC is demonstrated sustained academic achievement. The undergraduate admission application review process at the University requires evidence of successful completion of an accredited secondary school program, as well as success in collegiate studies (if applicants have enrolled in a post-secondary program). The quality of work, appropriateness of program, and academic standing among peers are also important considerations. Applicants who have selected a rigorous academic program and who have achieved distinction in a range of academic courses are the most likely candidates to receive an offer of admission.

The University's most qualified candidates have earned excellent grades in their courses. However, the University has witnessed that from time to time students with lower grade averages and/or test scores perform better than those with higher grades or scores. Because of this, when determining admission, the University considers a combination of factors including academic program, grades and test scores, as well as geographic origin, and participation in extracurricular activities. The vast majority of those applying to AUC are capable of succeeding scholastically at the University. Many more academically qualified students apply for admission than there is room available. The University's task is not simply to select those who are qualified, but to identify those who have distinguished themselves.

All applicants offered admission must submit the nonrefundable tuition and fee confirmation deposit of US$250 (or the equivalent in Egyptian pounds) on or before the confirmation deposit deadline. The non-refundable deposit is credited toward the first academic term tuition payment. Full tuition and fee payment must be made at least 30 days before the beginning of classes or immediately if the admission offer is sent within 30 days of the beginning of classes.

Admission to an Undergraduate Degree Program

Admission applicants must submit all required application materials to be considered for admission. The current Undergraduate Admission Application booklet lists the specific documents that applicants must submit to complete the application. The information is also available on the World Wide Web at .

AUC considers the most academically qualified fall applicants for Early Conditional Admission. This offer is extended in the spring of the final year of secondary study. The current Undergraduate Admission Application booklet lists the specific requirements for Early Admission. The information is also available on the World Wide Web at .

Applicants offered Early Conditional Admission must complete all secondary school graduation requirements, achieve a level of academic performance comparable with the performance on which the offer of admission was based, and submit all required documents prior to enrolling in the University. In addition, those currently enrolled in post-secondary studies must successfully complete those courses and provide the University with final official records. If the final academic results are not comparable to those on which the offer of Early Conditional Admission was based, the University reserves the right to withdraw the offer of admission.

Study Abroad/Non-Degree Admission

Degree-seeking students at other recognized institutions who wish to augment their education by completing coursework at the American University in Cairo apply for admission as study abroad/non-degree students. Study abroad/non-degree applicants must satisfy the requirements for undergraduate admission, and may attend AUC for no more than two semesters and one summer session. Study abroad/non-degree applicants whose first language is not English must demonstrate competency in English. Study abroad/non-degree students attend AUC with the permission of their home institutions.

Study abroad/non-degree applicants must submit application materials including post-secondary school transcripts, letters of reference, and a study plan approved by their home university. The current Undergraduate Admission Application booklet lists the specific documents that applicants must submit to complete the application. The information is also available on the World Wide Web at .

The Arabic Language Institute

The Arabic Language Institute is one of the most respected Arabic language study programs in the world. The Institute offers intensive programs beginning three times each year that range in length from eight weeks to one or more years. The Institute's world-class faculty teaches classes in Modern Standard Arabic, Classical Arabic, and Egyptian Colloquial Arabic at the elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels. The Institute's programs culminate in certificates of achievement recognized around the world.

Arabic Language Institute applicants submit completed application forms, as well as other materials specified in the current Undergraduate Admission Application booklet. The information is also available on the World Wide Web at .

Admission Standards. Applicants who have attempted post-secondary studies at a college or university either during or following their secondary school program are transfer applicants. The primary criterion for transfer admission is the quality of the academic record. The number of transfer credits, prerequisite coursework, type of completed courses, and consistency of grades are also important considerations. In addition to university coursework, AUC evaluates the secondary school records and standardized test scores of applicants who have completed fewer than 60 semester credits that are transferable to AUC. The University selectively offers admission to the most qualified candidates. The minimum cumulative grade point average required for consideration is 2.00 (on a four point scale). Admission to the University does not constitute a guarantee of admission to a particular major or field of study. Students who are not eligible to continue at another institution are not eligible for admission to the American University in Cairo.

Transfer applicants must submit all required application materials including official post-secondary school academic transcripts, mark sheets, and certificates from each school they have attended. The current Undergraduate Admission Application booklet lists the specific documents that transfer applicants must submit to complete the application. The information is also available on the World Wide Web at .

Individuals who wish to attend individual classes without credit may apply as auditors. Auditors are not eligible to sit for final examinations, receive academic credit, or enrollment certification from the University. Permission to audit is granted on a space-available basis. Auditors generally enroll during the late registration period after other students have had an opportunity to register.

English Language Proficiency

All new undergraduate students who apply as degree students, study abroad/non-degree students, special students, and auditors must provide evidence of academic English proficiency with the admission application. The University does not exempt applicants from this requirement solely on the basis of citizenship or graduation from an English-medium secondary school.

Applicants not exempted must submit recent official test results from the AUC English Language Proficiency Entrance Test (ELPET) and/or the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Tests must be completed no more than one year prior to the first day of the term for which applicants are applying for admission. Applicants cannot take the ELPET more than once every six months.

The University determines English language placement using applicants' highest score on either or both the ELPET and the TOEFL. AUC may offer applicants that do not qualify for the Freshman Writing Program (ECLT 112 or 113) the opportunity to enroll in AUC's Intensive English Program (IEP) or Academic English for Freshmen (ENGL 111). ENGL 111 is the University's bridge course between the IEP and the Freshman Writing Program. IEP students must complete the program in one calendar year (two semesters and the summer session). ENGL 111 students must complete the course within two semesters.

Arabic Language Placement

Applicants that are citizens of or permanent residents in Arab countries, and that have completed the Thanawiya Amma, the Tawjihi or passed the Egyptian Ministry of Education-approved Arabic examination are not required to take AUC's Arabic language placement test. Information about the test is available from the AUC Arabic Language Unit.

Prior to Matriculation.

The University awards transfer credit for coursework that is comparable in nature, scope, content, depth and level to courses offered by AUC, and that has been completed with a grade that is comparable to at least a C at AUC. In addition, transferable coursework must have been completed at institutions of higher education that are accredited by one of the six regional accrediting associations in the United States, or by the Ministry of Higher Education and/or the Supreme Council of Universities of the country in which the courses were conducted. Internships, co-ops, and technical, vocational, remedial and pre-university courses are generally not accepted for transfer credit. Faculty narrative evaluations must be submitted as part of the official transcript in support of nontraditional grading systems. Specific letter grades earned outside the University do not transfer. The application of course credit toward specific program requirements is the responsibility of the academic administrators within the programs and schools into which applicants enroll. Studies completed more than five years prior to matriculation at AUC are not transferable. Transfer students who place in English 98 through English 111 do not receive transfer credit for completed English coursework.

The University transfers a maximum of 36 hours of semester credit from other institutions after students enroll at AUC. The University awards a maximum of 12 credit hours for coursework completed in any one summer. (Students may not enroll in more than 12 credits in any one summer, AUC summer courses included.) The University transfers a maximum of nine credits for courses completed through correspondence and/or distance learning following matriculation. Students may not enroll in correspondence courses offered by other institutions during academic terms in which they are registered for courses at AUC.

AUC students who withdraw from the University in good standing and subsequently wish to return after an absence of one or more semesters may apply for readmission. Readmission is offered on a space-available basis and is not guaranteed. The University does not consider TOEFL results for the purpose of placing readmission applicants in English. Selected applicants must submit recent AUC ELPET results with their readmission application.

English Level at Time of Withdrawal

Laps of Time


Successfully completed ECLT 113

Less than 24 months
More than 24 months


Enrolled in ENG 111, or ENGL 111, or ENGL 112 or 113

Less than 6 months
Between 6-12 months


Enrolled in IEP

Less than 6 months

Enrolled in IEP, ENGL 111, OR ECLT 112 or 113

More than 12 months

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